Proper care for Pearls

Quality pearls are durable, however proper care is essential to keeping them beautiful and lustrous.  Don’t save your pearls for a special occasion,  WEAR THEM!  Pearls were born in the water and will benefit immensely from absorbing the oils that your skin naturally secretes.

Below are eight important tips for pearl owners:

  1. Apply body lotion, hairspray and perfume BEFORE you put on your pearls.
  2. Using a soft cloth, gently wipe pearls after wear to remove excess oils, dirt, sweat and perfume.
  3. Pearls should be stored in a soft pouch, wrapped in a soft cloth or in linen away from other pieces of jewellery to avoid scratching their surfaces. You may choose to leave a small cup of water near your peals to allow moisture in the air, and prevent your pearls from drying out.
  4. NEVER store pearls in an airtight package (eg. Plastic bag) as pearls need moisture. If pearls are stored in too dry an environment, they are subject to cracking. 
  5. DO NOT hang your pearls, this will stretch the silk and cause unnecessary straining. 
  6. Everyday substances like hairspray, perfume, cosmetics, chlorine bleach, hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, vinegar will damage the surface of your pearls by eating holes in the nacre.
  7. Remove pearls before exercising to keep them away from perspiration.
  8. Although pearls were born in water – do not submerge them (eg no swimming or showering). Chlorine will eat away at the epoxy securing the pearls to their mountings, and wetting the silk thread that your pearls are strung on will cause it to stretch and possibly break.
  9. Depending on how often you wear your pearls, you should restring them every three to five years (more often if you wear them weekly). Your pearls should be individually knotted to ensure they do not rub against one another, protecting the nacre.