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HELP! My diamond is missing from my setting
Hennick & Co has been the preferred vendor for Canadian Insurance Companies since 1984. Our professional jewellery replacement specialists are certified gemologists and goldsmiths with over 60 years of combined jewellery experience. Many jewellery insurance claims received involve...

The History of Birthstones
Birthstones have been around since ancient times. Each month of the year has a particular gemstone linked with it. Experts believe that birthstones can be traced back to the Bible. In Exodus 28, Moses set forth directions for making special garments, specifically, the breastplate which was to...

What shape are you?
A diamond's cut pertains to its symmetry and proportion. If you are planning to purchase a diamond ring, pendant or earrings, here are the most popular cuts available. The round brilliant cut diamond is the most popular cut, 75% of all diamonds sold are rounds. Due to its proportion and symmetry,...

Jewellery Insurance: Ensure that your coverage is appropriate for your collection
A typical homeowner’s insurance policy may not provide suitable coverage for your collection. Standard homeowner’s insurance provides limited coverage for jewellery, generally $6000, subject to the policy deductible. When purchasing insurance, it is important to assess your collection and...

Proper care for Pearls
Quality pearls are durable, however proper care is essential to keeping them beautiful and lustrous. Don’t save your pearls for a special occasion, WEAR THEM! Pearls were born in the water and will benefit immensely from absorbing the oils that your skin naturally secretes.Below are eight...

How to clean your Jewellery at home
Prior to cleaning, you must assess the type of jewelry you want to clean. All jewellery is not created equal when cleaning, for example: some gemstones require a gentler approach (to avoid cracking or chipping) and fragile materials like pearls and cameos require extra care. The frequency of...

Travelling with Jewellery
Protecting your jewellery should be a priority. Regardless of the value: costume, inexpensive, branded or expensive jewellery, below are the tips you need for travelling with these items. 1. Document the jewellery you are travelling with. A digital inventory can be made by laying out the jewellery...